peppa pig chinese new year

Peppa Pig is a children's cartoon show that started on British television in 1998. It is the Chinese New Year. The children dress up as dragons this year, and Madame Gazelle informs the children of it. You can see why people from the US and even other countries have become hooked onto this show!

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Peppa Pig has two different seasons to pick from. In the winter, they have the Chinese New Year's party. This is the biggest event of the year for the pig family. Children run around making paper fortunes with different cartoon figures while the music plays and there are fireworks going off everywhere. During the summer, there is the traditional Chinese New Year's party. You can add decorations and a peppa pig chinese new year wall mural to your home during this time, as well.


My daughter thought it was very clever of her mother to have a Peppa Pig Chinese New Year Wall mural right next to our dining room table. I am always asked if I did put it up, as I usually have pictures of my grandchildren all over the place. Of course, my wife is quick to point out that my son is five years older than her, so he could have moved it. But I really like it here, at least. I am not sure why, maybe because she sees my children enjoying themselves so much, and it makes me happy to see them doing what pleases me.

Creating a Peppa Pig Chinese New Year Wall mural For Our Home


During the Chinese New Years, children will gather around and have contests to see who can create the most interesting Chinese story for it. They will each use a new phrase, which will be told to them by their respective grandparents. It is truly amazing how these children can think up things just from what they watch on TV! The children then create their own characters for their stories, which will be shown to everyone when the big moment arrives!

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My daughter absolutely loves the Peppa Pig Chinese New Year wall mural and has asked me to put it up on our Christmas tree this year as well. Yes, she has asked me to buy a Peppa Pig Chinese New Year's Wall mural to put up on our tree. She has also asked me to make a few more of them for our children to share. It is really neat to see how much they have grown since their first appearance on our Christmas tree two years ago. We have enjoyed watching them devour the presents and having fun on the internet together.


Our oldest child now has his own notebook where he jots down his favorite things for the coming year. He has even picked out his favorite poem for this year, too. It is truly inspiring to see their imaginations grow and blossom in such a short amount of time. They are truly wonderful little artists and have really taken to Chinese tradition very well. It is so nice to be able to share this culture with them, and to teach them about good value and responsibility.


I feel that it is important that we do not lose our identity through the customs of other cultures. I also believe that the younger people of today get to experience a multicultural upbringing, that they will become more open-minded and accepting of different beliefs. Children learn most effectively from role models in their lives. It is very interesting to me to see how different cultures perceive the world, and how easily children can absorb the ideas of others. Putting up a Peppa Pig Chinese New Year's wall mural on our home will enable our children to learn about this tradition and also enjoy the creative expression it inspires in us as well.


My daughter is very excited about decorating her room for Chinese new year. It is actually nice to be able to be in charge of many aspects of her child's holiday. I am also very excited about getting to help her, and being part of the process! I cannot wait to see the results. I think she is going to be absolutely amazed by the outcome of what she has set out to achieve, and I am confident she is going to love Chinese new year!

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